Terry Teigeler
Our Friend and Classmate passed
on Dec 1st 2024
Obituary posted "In Memory" or
you can also follow the attached link.
Wade Bell,
Our Friend and Classmate passed
on July 4th 2024
Obituary posted "In Memory"
Links about his amazing life
are being provided!
Steve Ekstrom
our Friend and Classmate, passed
on April 8th 2024.
His Obituary has been posted
in the "In Memory" Section
Diane Millspaw,
our Friend and Classmate, passed
on April 7th 2024.
Her Obituary has been posted
in the "In Memory" Section.
Von Carpenter,
our Friend and Classmate, passed
on January 28th 2024.
His Obituary has been posted
in the "In Memory" Section.
Steve Sanders passed peacefully
on the 3rd of December, 2023.
He was our Friend and Classmate!
Per his wishes, there will be no
obituary or service.
Lloyd Jay Merino,
our Friend and Classmate
passed on
October 12th, 2023.
Lloyd's Obituary has been posted
In the "In Memory" Section.
Jack Bothwell,
our Friend and Classmate
passed away on
October 13th 2023.
We have no other information
at this point. When we do that info
will be posted!
Sandi Monson Greenwood,
our Friend and Classmate
passed away on
October 10, 2023.
Her Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section. The link to that area
is on the left hand menu!
Scott Butters, our Friend and Classmate
passed from this life on
August 14th.
He was a great organizer of so many of
our Reunions and Golf outings!
An Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section. The link to that area
is on the left hand menu!
Gary Kapp, our Teacher, Coach, and Friend
has passed away.
You can view his Obituary
at the following link.
Larry Patane, our Friend
and Classmate has passed away.
His Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section of our Website.
James "Jimmy" McBride our Friend
and Classmate has passed away.
His Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section of our Website.
Richard Judd, our Friend and Classmate,
has passed away.
His Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section of our Website.
Raymond Salaz, our Friend and Classmate
passed away on the 16th of February.
Please find his Obituary posted in the
"In Memory" section of our Website
Mike Davies, our Friend and Classmate,
passed away on the 5th of Feb. 2023.
His Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section of our Website.
We have just received word that
our friend and classmate,
Greg Smith, has pass away in California.
Greg's Obituary has been posted
in the "In Memory" section of our
Information and pictures about the
Mountside BL Renovation
can now be accessed via the
link on the left hand column.
2023 is a big year for all of us
from the Class of 1963!
We want to let all of you know that
we are starting planning for a 60th
Reunion during the summer months.
We will soon be making an announcement
as to the time and place so that
you can plan to attend!!
Robert Quintana passed away on
December 5th, in Ogden
His Obituary is posted in the "In Memory section
which can be accessed from the link on
the left hand column.
Susan Marriott McFarland, our very own
Classmate and Friend was in a terrible
accident recently. We wanted to share her
words and some photos of the accident.
We wish her well and pray for a speedy
You can find photos and her words
on the "Susan Marriott McFarland" link
on the left hand item list.
Karry Hamblin passed away yesterday,
Oct 17th, in Ogden.
Personally I owe Karry and his Wife Lori
(who passed last year),
a huge "Thank You"
for giving our family their only
Son Shawn, my long time
His Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section of our Website
(Link on the left column)
Sandra Hunsaker Yearsley, our Friend
and Classmate, passed away on July 30th.
Her Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section of our Website.
(Link on the left column)
We have added three additional
Grade School Pics from Bonneville.
Grades 3, 4, and 5.
Thanks to Byard Kershaw for sending them.
You can find them under the link name
"Early Class Pictures"
(Link on the left column)
Interesting note: Mrs. Alley a 3rd grade
teacher was our own Mr. Alley's Wife
from Ben Lomond High School.
Also Mr. Chadburn, a 5th grade teacher,
had a son, Gerald, who was in the
Class of 64 at BLHS.
Sharie Wadman Strebel, our Friend and
Classmate has passed away on
the 6th of July!
Her Obituary has been posted
in the "In Memory" section.
(Link on the left column)
Gayle McKinney Maw, our friend
and Classmate, passed away
today, July 5th 2022.
Obituary posted in the
"In Memory" section
(Link on the left column)
Doug Wimmer (Holly's Brother)
is spearheading a project to renovate and
place a new BL on the Mountain in Ogden.
Doug would like everyone who can to meet
at 7:00 am at the Trailhead.
If you can't help but wish to donate
instructions are on the flyer along
with his contact information.
Thank You Everyone!!
What a great project!!
Thank You Doug!!

Evan Beckstead,
our Friend and Classmate
passed away
on the 13th of June 2022.
His Obituary is posted in the
"In Memory" section listed
on the left side of this page.
Riverside Golf Course
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Breakfast at IHOP
947 West Riverdale Road
Riverdale, 84405
It’s between McDonald’s and Home Depot.
(South behind the Verizon Store.)
Contact Judd West 801-698-5833
For more information
We have received information that
a Memorial will be held for
Joan Campbell Bowersock
at her home in Los Altos, Calif
on June 18th. Everyone interested
is welcome to attend.
More specific information will
be posted when we receive it from
her Daughters, Kim, and Liz.
Once again we have lost a
Classmate, Nyle Youngberg.
He passed away on April 9th 2022
His Obituary has been posted in the
"In Memory" section of the Website
Joan Campbell, our friend and
Classmate has passed away on
March 27th 2022
At this time we don't have access
to an Obituary. There is information
under Joan's name in the
"In Memory" section of the Website
Our Classmate Steve Wirick
has passed away on Dec 28th 2021.
His Obituary is posted in the
"In Memory" section of the Website
Bob Richardson and his wife Kathee
lost their precious Daughter
Emilee Richardson on August 29th 2021.
She had just turned 36 the day before.
A service was held in Ogden at
Lindquist Mortuary on
Sept 4th.
I'm sure we are all sending our
love and special prayers for
Bob and Kathee!!
Alan Heiner's wife Jean
passed away on the
27th of Oct, 2021 in Morgan Ut.
A graveside service will be held tomorrow
Oct 30th, at the Milton Cemetary.
Jean is also a Sister-In-Law of
Connie Checketts Stowe
Holly Wimmer Norton's Husband,
Ronald James Norton, passed away
on the 16th of October in St. George.
Services will be held Saturday,
October 23, 2021
Sun River 4th Branch meetinghouse
located at 1483 W. Angel Arch Drive,
St. George, Utah.
Internment at Tonaquint Cemetery,
St. George, Utah.
Diana Hunter Childs' Husband,
Dean Childs, passed away on the
12th of October in Washington
A Celebration of Life will be held
on Monday, October 25th
in Port Angles, Washington.
At last check, Susan Marriott McFarland (Suz)
was in rehab, she was experiencing
no pain but was very weak.
As I hear anything, I will post here.
Please keep her in your thoughts
and prayers.
We haven't, in the past, shared
this type of news, only because we
haven't been aware. Many of you
have probably been through such
events with very little, if any, recognition.
Going forward if anyone
is aware of a Classmate experiencing
a life altering event please
use the link "Contact Us" and make
us aware so that we can share
with our very interested and caring
First off we want to thank each and every one of you
who have donated to our Memorial Fund
With all of us getting older and after much consideration
we have decided that keeping this effort funded is becoming
more and more difficult!!
We have used some of the remaining funds
to pay 3 years of our
subscription fees for our Website and also
to pay for 3 years use of our Domain Name
We hope that you all approve!!.
There are also additional remaining funds
that will be used toward our next
Reunion Celebration.
That said, if any of you wish to contribute
to our "Class Financial Account" which will
be used for future Reunion Costs and for
"Renewal Fees" of our Website and Domain Name,
that would be much appreciated.
Contributions can be made out / and mailed to:
Judy May
935 Iowa Ave.
Ogden, Utah 84404
Contributions are very much appreciated
but not expected!
Wall Of Fame $ Other Awards
A new link by the same name is on the left
which shows our first classmate to receive
the Wall Of Fame Award, Orluff Opheikens, along with
information concerning an Honorary Degree
Orluff received from Weber State College.
The link also contains information concerning
Nancy Stowe Kader's Award
If anyone knows of awards and recognition
other classmates have received please click
on the "Contact Us" link and provide the information
so that it can be added for all to see.
Update Your Profile
Please keep your profile updated with any changes,
post recent pictures, let us know
what's going on in your lives!
If you are having difficulty with your updates
or any thing concerning the Website just leave
a message by clicking on "Contact Us".
BLHS '63 Guyz Golf Clan
Open link on the left
We will let you know when Golf starts up in the Spring
BLHS '63 Ladies Luncheons
Open link on the left
Older Updates
Class Chatter
Please visit and catch up on postings made throughout
the Website. Don't forget to post a note or picture.
Mound Fort Yearbook 1958 - 1959
Uploaded pages from our Yearbook
most without names, organized by Homeroom
In Memory Link
The "In Memory" Link on the left has been unlocked for viewing by anyone who might visit our Website. You do not have to be signed in to view the "In Memory" pages
All allowable BLHS Yearbooks
have been loaded on the Free Website!
Go To
Click on the Login button to Register
It's a safe Website!
You can look at any school's Yearbooks
that are loaded on the Website.
You can also shop through that site which provides
funds back to BLHS Student Activities
Thanks to those who have helped to fund this project!!
Additional contributions would be greatly appreciated!
This project is being funded only through contributions!
For information, click on the "Contact Us" tab on the left.
A new link on the left will take you to
"Mound Fort Sports Articles"
Thanks to Barry Sneddon for sending in
these great articles!!
Check the link on the left to view the Articles.
All pictures from our 50th Reunion have been loaded
into the links on the left.
Pictures posted are all those taken during the Reunion, many were used in the Yearbook. The pictures selected for the Yearbook are labeled with names and are in a beautiful matte finish.
We still have several Yearbooks available
Cost is $25.00 each
Send us a message using the Contact Us
Link on the left and we will send you specifics